7 de diciembre de 2022

 Dia Cuatro

Seccion llame "Goals para esta semana"

  1. Tener una conversaccion para uno minuto
  2. Leer cuatro libros de ninos en Duolingo
    1. "El nuevo estudiante" 
    2. "Una pregunta"

Seccion llame "Practica"

  1. Trabaje en Duolingo (completed Unit 3) y leo dos libros "A la estacion!" (Very funny and easy story to read and understand) y "El doctor Eddy"
  2. Grabo tres frases para una conversaccion. (I felt more comfortable speaking and talking after watching the "Language Transfer". Trying to speak more naturally without having to translate in my head, which is very hard.) THIS GOES IN THE WIN CATEGORY!
  3. Veo "The Comparison Villian" en YouTube. (I very much relate to the examples the speaker discussed in the video. I feel the comparison villain not only when I am comparing myself to others in my class or group but also when I compare myself and my progress with how far along I believe I should be. I'm not sure if I am alone in that, but it has been a personal struggle for me (not only for Spanish). Yet, the speaker is right that it is not me against someone else but it is me versus myself.)
  4. Practica "Language Transfer" videos uno a cinco. (To be honest, I totally forgot to do these yesterday, so I am playing "catch up". I had some trouble with some of the pronunciations (gue sound), but I do like the volunteer speaking with the teacher. I think that I will get better the more I practice.)


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