Dia Dos
[I should point that I am still on the quest to figure out how to add accents. If you know, please let me know in the comments.]
Seccion llame "Goals para esta semana"
- Tener una conversaccion para uno minuto
- Leer cuatro libros de ninos en Duolingo
- "El nuevo estudiante"
Seccion llame "Practica"
- Trabaje en Duolingo
- Escucho a Rock 'N Learn en Youtube todo para el video llame "Learn Spanish for Beginners-Part 1- Conversational Spanish for Adults and Teens." Lo es parto de listo en Youtube con diez videos. No rapido pero lo tiene animacion. (I recommend this for anyone, like me, is having a hard time with pronunciation or having a conversation. It is formatted with the characters having a conversation. It is slow and they repeat the phrases. These are commonly used phrases in a conversation.)
- Grabo una conversaccion. No buena pero lo es un intento. Quiero hacer un plan nuevo para mis conversaccion esta mas buena. (Thinking of having some form of structure like notecards to have the conversation be more like a conversation and not like rambling)